Thursday, 21 November 2013

Dean Dempsey

Way back when last month... our friend & artist Dean Dempsey had solo show at Bosi Contemporary in NY. James & I composed the music for his video series. Have a look at an interview with him (with music by us included)by Creem Magazine.. You can also have a *private* listen to the tracks below..

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Hey Y'all it's been a while... UPDATES

We just co-started a small label namely Master Musicians of Wilson Ave >>>>> CHECK IT OUT! Lots of exciting releases to come from musicians *in*the*works*... So keep checking. Via MMWA we released some new tracks on a split tape with the infamous Nick Klein... Listen below.... Also, come this Thursday 25th July, we'll be playing our last show in NYC for a while :( :) :( :) Come friends ! :)