Tuesday, 27 December 2011

The Deli

Well well... look what happens when The TREASURE TEETH is feeding the imaginary goats in the barnfarm

"A collaboration spanning from London to Miami to NYC, Treasure Teeth is probably one of the most emotionally intense quirky bands we have ever heard. The fact that the sensitive female lead vocals don't sound at all disconnected from the constantly evolving, somewhat bizarre electronic arrangements represents some kind of production miracle."

Look HERE!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

aquariums & extended plays

Hello, this is the TREASURE TEETH checking in.

So hard at work we've been...

We've just finished a new track called "aquariums". Check it out here for a bit.

aquariums by TREASURE TEETH

We've also just about wrapped up our first E.P., which is still without a title at the moment.
Just one more song to finish recording, and a few more finishing touches on The others, and BOOM. Very exciting!

Aside from that, we're playing a short show at "Don Pedro's" here in our new "home" of "Brooklyn" on DEC 18th, with our lovely new friends Felix & the Future (it's their E.P. Release party) and Leo "gugu" Geaux;
We're also Producing a track for Ash Ruiz's (of Menudo fame) solo album. SURE to be a BANGER....

Anyhoo, we'll talk more soon.x